this way
For more expensive and delicate pieces that have sentimental value or are considered “investment pieces” White Rose Dry Cleaners offers Blue Diamond Service; a custom process that our garment specialists perform to ensure these special pieces are kept in pristine condition.
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Brand Essence

The White Rose Brand Story is rooted in the company’s heritage of the highest quality dry cleaning, personalized services and innovation. White Rose began with a great idea, continuously reinvented to adapt to lifestyles of  people  It is the pursuit of excellence that reveals the essence of the White Rose brand.

White Rose is not just about dry cleaning; it is a lifestyle that is aspirational and refined, offering effortless style and timeless elegance. Cleaning with White Rose inspires confidence, finesse and accomplishment. All our customers value our brand’s innovative spirit and dedication to quality, style and service. They have made White Rose a part of their lifestyle.

The Gentleman's Gentleman

Personalized Service, Tailored For You

Devoted to Quality, Style and Customer Delight

Our brand has made a lasting mark in the minds of our customers because every interaction we have with them is focused on allowing them to immerse themselves in the brand experience.

Outstanding service, uncompromising quality, fierce loyalty, unbending integrity, enormous courage, social justice and compassionate care; These values form ‘the rope that binds the White Rose family’.

White Rose feels it, and our customers have felt it for decades from the 1950s. Their children and their children's children feel it today, as they walk along the street enjoying the fond memories of experience.

The familiar scent, the sense of home, the friend behind the counter, the feeling of confidence when wearing a freshly dry-cleaned suit, a friendly shelter from the rain, a concern for the larger good; all these capture the essence of who we are.

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